Call presentation

Call presentation

How to navigate through call presentation

This article outlines the call presentation category and how to configure.

It covers the following:

Contents of call presentation

On the left-hand side of the Paytia platform you will see a category named Configure telephony, click here and sub-menus will appear. Please click on the sub-menu named Call presentation.

The Call presentation screen allows you to select the number Paytia presents when making outbound calls.


My Paytia Number - This will override and show customers the Paytia number is calling them.

Callers Telephone Number - This will cause Paytia to forward the telephone number you are calling Paytia from. This will then show your customers your business telephone number is calling them.

Custom Number - If you wish to choose a custom telephone number - we require you to contact tech support ( with your intention as well as the number you wish to use.

When tech support have granted you permission to use a custom number, there will be an extra dropdown to choose from called Custom Number.

When you have chosen your desired option, at the bottom of the page presented is a button to click to Save Settings.

Payment System Voice Assistance

The payment system voice assistance is the selection of which voice your users and your customers will hear. This voice will be guiding both user and customer in the process of making a secure payment.

Whisper announcement

The whisper setting allows the user to be informed that the call relates to a Paytia inbound payment by playing a short double beep.


From here, there is a slider on the far right of the page which you can turn on/off to the whisper.