Changing the Billing and Shipping City Fields in Agent Capture Assist

How do I change the Agent Capture Assist address fields for (AVS) Address Verification?

Changing the Billing and Shipping City Fields in Agent Capture Assist

Agent Capture Assist offers administrators the flexibility to modify how the billing and shipping city fields function in the agent interface. You can configure these fields to either allow free text input or to use a searchable dropdown list of city names. Follow these instructions to update the settings:

Steps to Update Address Fields

  1. Log into the Admin Portal:

    • Use your administrator credentials to access the Agent Capture Assist management portal.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration Menu:

    • On the left-hand side of the portal, locate and click the Configure User Screen menu option.
  3. Access Address Verification:

    • Within the configuration menu, select Address Verification.

  4. Enable Address Verification:

    • Ensure that the AVS (Address Verification System) toggle is enabled. This ensures the address fields appear in the user interface.

  5. Edit City Fields:

    • Under the Customer/AVS Detail tab, locate the Billing City or Shipping City fields.
    • Click the edit icon next to the respective field.

  6. Modify Field Settings:

    • In the edit form, locate the Field Type dropdown and select one of the following options:
      • Input: Allows agents to freely type or paste the city name.
      • Searchable: Displays a list of cities based on the selected country. Agents can type a few characters to narrow the search.

  7. Customize Field Labels:

    • Update the Label Name and Placeholder Name fields if desired. These labels appear on the agent's interface and can be customized to align with your business terminology.
  8. Save Changes:

    • Click the Save and Submit button to apply your updates. The changes will automatically apply to both the Billing City and Shipping City fields.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure you have the AVS license enabled in your account for these features to function.
  • Modifications to the Billing City field are mirrored in the Shipping City field automatically.

By customizing these fields, you can streamline your agents’ workflows and ensure accuracy during the payment process.

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