Change your Paytia account main email address and contact details

Change your Paytia account main email address and contact details

Editing your contact details

The Contact details section of the Paytia administrative portal allows you to change the information for the following settings

1. The primary email address on your account. This is the email address you signed up with that you use as the master login username for your account.
2. The email address invoices for payment should be sent to. By default they go to the primary registered email address, however, you can set a new email address for billing invoices to be sent to.
3. Your company address details that should be shown on Paytia invoices.

Making a change

On the left-hand side of the Paytia platform you will see a category named My profile, click here and sub-menus will appear. Please click on the sub-menu named My contact details.

Whilst on the My contact details sub-menu you will see various information regarding basic details of your Paytia account, business details and address details.


Changing the primary email address on your account. 

You can change your email address/login associated with Paytia by clicking the Change email address button on the top right-hand side. Once you enter a new email address a link will be sent to that email for you to confirm the change of email.

Changing the email address invoices are sent to

In the business section of your Contact details profile you will see Billing Email Address. Enter the email address invoices should be sent to and when your account subscription renews or any purchases are made this email address will receive the copy invoices.

Change your company address details that should be shown on Paytia invoice

You are able to keep your company's billing address for Paytia invoices updated here

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