Feature settings sub-menu

Feature settings sub-menu

Note: Feature settings are all licenced so you may not have all the settings we will explain on this article.

The Feature settings are used for system wide services allowing control of different aspects of the Paytia service.
To find Feature settings, log into your Paytia administration account and click on the Settings menu.

The first setting allows you to send Paytia generated emails out view your own company domain and email service.

Set the email address customer's will receive requests from

This service works with two mode.
1. Client server. This is active when the radio slider is set to E-mail account
2. Server to server. This is set when the slider is set to STMP/Relay

You will enter the email address and server details for your SMTP server and then you can press the Save & Test Details button to test if they are working correctly.

The next service setting relates to Payment link generation. Paytia provides the added feature allowing you to set and expiry timer on all link requests you send out.

Note: Expiry timers work across all the service links generated.

The next feature control relates to branding. Paytia allows you to add your own company/brand logo to its forms.

From here we move onto Keyphone. Keyphone is the base telephony card capture service on Paytia telephone card capture. It allows you to take a payment using only telephone keypads for data entry. When using the Agent Capture Assist web form service we recommend you turn off this setting. Paytia will not allow users to continue with card payment capture if they have no transaction request stored. This additional check ensures you do not end up capturing payments with incorrect transaction ID's on the transaction.

Note: Off is the slider set to a red background.

Set Stripe customer setting
Now we have a feature related to the Stripe payment gateway. As Stripe stores data in a similar way to CRM systems Paytia is able to retrieve the contact records to autofill the Agent Capture Assist user form. 

This changes the Display data for Stripe customer tick box to always be ticked by default.

If you want Paytia to always auto populate the Agent Capture Assist form, leave this radio slider set to on.
Note: Off is the slider set to a red background.

Next we have the Voicemail setting. This controls Voicemail services being on or off for your company on the Paytia platform.

From here you can also set the default timeout Paytia will use before calls are sent to voicemail.

Next we have the Card expiry setting. This is used with the Paytia API service. Some customers requiresPaytia to capture and return the expiry date of a payment card with the transaction result. This licence setting forces Paytia to capture and return that card expiry value.

From here we move onto ACA outbound number
In order to support different phone services Paytia works with you are able to chose to allow your users to enter the outbound customer phone number they wish to be called, as a freetext field or to select the e.164, country code from the list where they then enter the phone number excluding the leading zero. 

Next we have, Payment form - recurring card payment acceptance
This controls Paytia displaying an additional message on payment capture forms where the payment card will be captured to file.

This is what that would look like

Last we have a control for how long Paytia will keep stale transactions submitted by Keyphone or ACA form users. Sometimes we find users submit a payment but then do not proceed forward to capture the card. To ensure we never allow mistakes to happen Paytia has added a timer control for how long a transaction request can be active before it is auto deleted.

Note: By default we make this 30 minutes. If you have users that submit a payment request a long time before they capture the customers card details you should increase this timer accordingly or the user will need to re-submit the payment details to correctly start the capture service.

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