How do I assume payment types on the Agent Capture Assist forms to my users? They are not showing.

How do I assume payment types on the Agent Capture Assist forms to my users? They are not showing.

When you purchase new licences on your Paytia account they are not automatically added to the users. This gives the administrator the control to roll out payment types when required and to the users they choose.

User licences are controlled from the Administer users > Users sub-menu

 Adding user licence settings

From your user list select the edit icon . This will load the licences and payment gateways assigned to the user. It also allows you to control which menus the user will have access to in their user console.

This 'Assign Rights' screen is split into two halves. 

1. Assign menu rights - this allows you to control the user interface. You can decide which menus the user has access to and which view will be active by default to speed up their work.
2. Assign licence rights - this section allows you to control which active licences the user will have access to on the payment gateways your account has access to. 

These settings give you granular control of the services each user will access on the Paytia platform.

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