For customers that have the Agent Capture Assist licence enabled you are able to make changes to the billing and shipping city fields so agents can either select a city name from the list or they can free type/paste in the city name.
When you log onto the Agent Capture Assist management portal as the administrator account you will see the Agent Capture Assist menu option on the left.
1. You can select Configure user screen settings menu
2. Select the Address Verification menu option
3. Select the Customer/AVS detail tab (AVS is short for Address Verification System)
Note: you need to have an AVS license on your package and the AVS radio slider active for the address items to show on the users virtual terminal.
4. Click Edit on the Billing City value. This automatically sets the same settings up on the Shipping City field.
Edit billing city
Change the Field Type to Input or searchable
Input - allows agents to freely type any city name into the box
Searchable - displays a list of cities for the chosen country and allows the agent to start typing characters of the city to narrow the search for the city they want to select.
5. You can also change the name of the field and the message shown inside the field (on the agent Agent Capture Assist form) to be wording you use and know in your business.