There are two transaction reports merchants and users can use to check payments taken.
1. The merchant administrative portal - this holds the consolidated transaction and payment history reports.
2. The SAgent Capture Assist - this shows the agents a full or filtered list of transactions taken which can be used to process further payments.
Payment history
This is a report of all payments taken categorized by payment type. It holds detailed information on the transaction and is cross referenced to the telephone call the payment was taken on.
Transaction list
This is used to allow payment types such as reserve, validate or token capture to be used to process further payments against a stored transaction reference or token.
There are two places Paytia displays transaction or payments I have taken lists.
Payment History
This report is accessed from the merchant administrative console.
Head to the Report and alerts menu and click on Payment history to load the report screen
You will now see information on the payments the business has taken. If the payment report licence is included in your package or purchased as an extra addon licence you will also see the export and filter controls, this allows you to build custom data output reports using only the fields and date range you want to work with.
Transaction list
The transaction list allows the administrator to view and continue to process payments against stored card details either for validated, reserved, captured transactions or card details.
To access the Transaction list head to > Reports and alerts > Transaction list
You will see all the payments processed where future payments can be initiated against the same transaction ID or stored card at your payment service provider.
You can choose to filter the results by payment type, date or to search for specific keywords.
Transaction type filter
Date filter
Free text search by keywords
Agent Capture Assist terminal
In the Agent Capture Assist users are able to see transactions they and their colleagues took. The transaction list allows users to initiate payments against stored card or transaction details directly from the user interface.
With a capture, validate or reserve licence enabled SAgent Capture Assist users will see a menu item for Transaction list.
When loaded the user will be able to view the transactions taken.
If the option to process a further payment is available the user can click the Take payment button to start the payment process.
Capture - Tokens
If a token was generated using a Paytia capture product licence then the user can copy the token to their third party application for use later for payment collection or they can use the Paytia service to take the additional payment right there on the screen.
Token example
Processing additional transactions
Users can enter the amount to be taken.
They can set controls as well for;
1. Final payment - this completes a transaction or token payment and expires the transaction or token with the payment provider.
2. Enter a new reference number - this allows an additional, new, reference number to be added to this payment for bank reconciliation.
You can choose to remove a reserve charge against a card using the Remove reserve button
When you are ready you submit the payment and Paytia sends it for processing. There is no need to ask customers to provide their card details again.