How to Take Payments in Different Currencies Using Agent Capture Assist

How do I take payments in different currencies?

How to Take Payments in Different Currencies Using Agent Capture Assist

Agent Capture Assist allows you to take payments in various currencies, making it ideal for merchants who cater to customers from multiple countries. This guide explains how to manage your operating currency settings and take payments in your preferred currency.


  1. Operating Currency Overview
  2. Adding and Selecting Currencies
  3. Making a Payment in Different Currencies
  4. Removing a Currency

1. Operating Currency Overview

The Operating Currency feature offers flexibility in payment processing by letting merchants choose the currency they wish to use during transactions. This feature is especially useful for merchants operating in one country while serving customers in others.

Features of Operating Currency:

  • Control over displayed and processed currency.
  • System prompts customized for chosen currencies (e.g., USD = dollars and cents, GBP = pounds and pence).
  • Dropdown menu for easy currency selection during payments.

Note: Operating Currency requires a license. If this option is not active on your account, contact your Paytia service partner.

2. Adding and Selecting Currencies

To manage your currency settings:

  1. Navigate to the Operating Currency Menu:

    • On the left-hand side of the Paytia portal, select Manage Payments, then click on Operating Currency.

  2. Add a Currency:

    • Click the + Add button to include a new currency in your account.
    • The added currencies will appear in the dropdown menu when processing payments.
  3. Set Default Currency:

    • Use the slider button under the "Set Default" column to select your default currency. This currency will automatically be pre-filled during transactions.

3. Making a Payment in Different Currencies

After configuring your currency settings:

  1. Log in to the Agent Capture Assist Portal.

  2. Begin a payment transaction.

  3. Locate the Currency Dropdown Menu at the bottom of the payment form.

    • All previously added currencies will be available here.
    • Select the appropriate currency for the transaction.
  4. Proceed to fill in the customer and payment details, then process the payment as usual.

4. Removing a Currency

If you no longer wish to support a specific currency:

  1. Return to the Operating Currency Menu.
  2. Locate the currency to be removed and click the red action button in the "Action" column.
  3. Confirm your selection in the pop-up confirmation dialog by clicking Delete.
  4. A green confirmation box will appear to indicate the successful removal of the currency.

By following these steps, you can easily manage and use multiple currencies for seamless global payment processing with Paytia.

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