Enhanced log sub-menus
The transaction log menu allows access to logs related to a transaction that has been made. The transaction needs to have been sent to the processing bank for the record to show. This menu gives access to additional detailed information by using the action button, View.
The third-party logs menu allows you to see all the webhook data that Paytia returns to your system when using the Paytia API services. This menu gives access to additional detailed information by using the action buttons, View and Webhooks.
The call records menu allows you to see all the inbound and outbound telephone calls made through the Paytia platform. This menu gives access to additional detailed information by using the action buttons, View and Webhooks.
The third-party webhook logs menu allows you to see all the webhook data that Paytia received from your system when using the Paytia API services. This menu shows you the post into Paytia and the response back from Paytia to your platform.