Payment forms - allowing customers to choose to store their card on their account for future purchases

Payment forms - allowing customers to choose to store their card on their account for future purchases


Stripe doesn't allow customers to make their own choice to have their payment card details stored to file or not. By default Stripe always captures a card to a customer account and sets it as a default payment type. 
Although useful it isn't very ethical. The cardholder should be the party that decides to authorise their identity data be stored to file.

Paytia has adapted its ecommerce payment capture forms to ensure the cardholder is given the choice to decide not to have their card details retained.

On Paytia custom capture forms the cardholder will see a tickbox they can untick to not have their details retained. BY default we align to Stripe's settings which retain the card.

If the transaction being carried out can still proceed with the card not being captured to file we issue that warning.

When the payment is processed Paytia will then detach the payment card from the customers record keeping your business aligned to data protection best practices.

You will see in this example that the card has been removed inside of Stripe.

One thing to note. If your customer usethis is a separate service and there is no way for us to control detaching customer card details even if they selected our tickbox to not keep the details. 

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