Payment links report

Payment links report

Payment links logs and report


Payment links are a licensed service on the Paytia platform. If your portal or user screens do not have the following reports and you would like Payment links enabled, please speak to Paytia Sales (


The payment links reports are accessible in two parts of the Paytia platform.

Admin view - This is the master report showing all payment links sent out to customers of the business by any of your business users.

User view - This is the view of real-time payment links the user has sent to the customers they are assisting.


1. Admin View

Administrators can log into the Paytia portal to access the Payment Links report sub menu

Portal access link

Once you are in the Paytia administration portal you can view Payment links reporting from the Reports and alerts menu > Payment links report sub-menu.

2. User view

The user view is available for processing users logged into the Paytia portal with the login type of User rather than Administrator

Processing users can see a menu on the left-hand side of their Secure Virtual terminal user interface showing the Payment links report

Note: Both Admin and User reports show the following information


Report filters

You can filter the view to look for payment links by links that have and have not been opened by the customer.

Date range filter

You can filter the data using a start and end date range.


The payment link report shows the following information

SR.NoThe row number
Email IDThe e-mail address of the customer who received the payment link
Unique IDThe Unique ID used to track the transaction
Reference NoThe unique reference number the user assigned to track the transaction for the business 
Account NumberThe account number/name for the person whom the transaction was taken for
First NameThe cardholder's first name
Last NameThe cardholder's last name
Company NameThe cardholder's company name
Card Last Four Digit NumberThe last 4 digits of the card used to make payment
DateTimeThe date and time the payment link was sent
Card BrandThe card brand used by the customer when they paid
AmountThe transaction amount collected
Transaction ChargeThe % charge for processing the secure payment
Processing ChargeThe one-off flat fee for processing the secure payment
Paytia FeeAny charge levied by Paytia for processing the secure transaction
Link StatusThe active status of the payment links process. This tells you if a link was received and opened or not by the customer
Payment StatusThe status of the payment. This shows if the payment was successful or not
Payment ByThis shows the payment types used to facilitate the payment i.e. credit card, PayPal
Acquirer MessageThe result from the acquiring bank when the payment was processed
Payment TypeThe type of service processing the transaction i.e. payment link
Expiration TimeThe time set when the link will expire and no longer be usable by the customer
Custom FieldsAdditional custom fields included with the transaction
ActionA button allowing additional information to be seen about the transaction


If you click the View button you will also see additional information.

Created By:The user ID and email address of who took the transaction
Customer nameThe First and last name of the customer who is making a payment
GatewayThe payment gateway the transaction went through
Email IDThe email address of the customer
Unique IDThe Unique ID used to track the transaction
DateTimeThe date and time the payment link was sent
AmountThe transaction amount collected
Transaction ChargeThe % charge for processing the secure payment
Processing ChargeThe one-off flat fee for processing the secure payment
Paytia FeeAny charge levied by Paytia for processing the secure transaction
Billing addressThe payee's billing address
Payment linkThe payment link URL generated
Payment statusThe status of the payment. This shows if the payment was successful or not
Acquirer messageThe result from the acquiring bank when the payment was processed
Payment dateThe date payment was made
Payment responseThe full API response from the payment gateway



Users with the correct security right assigned have the ability to export the transaction reports in a filtered or all-records view simply by clicking the Excel export buttons.

Excel - Exports any data in a filtered view

Export All - Exports all the data records accessible to the user's view.

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