Set the countries your company operates in | Paytia PCI-DSS compliant phone payments

How do I set the countries my company operates in?

How can we set the countries we take payments for?

Login to the portal

Pick operating countries

Select your country

Set default country

Operating country allows you to pick the countries your user's process payments for. 

To check if you have the correct licence activated on your account you can log into the Paytia portal as an Administrator.

Login to the portal

Login URL


Pick operating countries 

From the left-hand menu navigate to Manage payments and you will see a sub-menu appear.

From the Sub-menu you should see the Operating country menu.

Click on the Operating country menu to set up your accepted country list.

Note: By default Paytia will use the country list in the user's virtual terminal forms when for the billing and shipping addresses of your customers.


Once loaded you will see your default country already pre-loaded and set to default.

You are now able to use the + Add button to add additional countries you want to collect payments.

Select your country

Note: You can auto-type to filter the list then use the scroll bar on the right to move the list up and down.

As an example, to select the United States it can be selected as follows

Once you are ready click the Save button to load the countries to your list.


Set default country


You will now see your new country loaded.

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