What payment types does Paytia support?

What payment types does Paytia support?

Paytia enables multiple types of transaction to be made over the phone. This article explains the different options

The Paytia platform is integrated with the payment gateways of banks and payment service providers. This allows merchants to process telephone payments in a secure manner using their existing payment facility.

The types of payments that are supported by Paytia varies by payment provider — depending on the features that are made via the provider's API. Paytia always tries to deliver the following payment types by default.

  1. Immediate charge - a payment being processed in real-time between the user and the cardholder (customer).
  2. Reserve - this is also called "pre-auth". It allows the user to place a shadow charge on the payment card but doesn't deduct the money until the reserve is finalized later on. This is great for deposits or taking payment as goods are shipped. Usually, the reserve is time limited to between 3 and 30 days depending on the payment gateway.
  3. Validation - this validates whether a card will support a charge up to a certain value. It doesn't place any reserve on the card but does return a transaction ID which allows the Paytia user to collect part or full payment from the card within 30 - 90 days, using either Agent Capture Assist or the payment-service provider's interface. 
  4. Recurring payments - Paytia enables the merchant to set up repeat payment deductions from the customer's card. Payment value and timing can be set by the user at the point of card capture.
  5. Capture - Paytia can enable the merchant to capture customers' card details and have the payment gateway tokenize them so that they can be stored and charged in the future on a payment schedule. Unlike reserve or validation, no attempt is made to set or limit the value of future transactions. The token is stored in Paytia and, if required, copied for use in another payment application.
    This is great for businesses who need a secure way to capture their customer’s card details or to replace an existing stored payment card, but without their users being exposed to hearing the card details.
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